Independent Financial Advisor

Transform how you invest with alternatives

Our industry-leading technology and dedicated team increase your access and make investing in alternatives easier.

Your solution across the alternative investment life cycle

As an independent financial advisor, you can use the CIGNA platform as your end-to-end solution for accessing alternative investments. We aim to serve the complex needs of the independent wealth ecosystem, streamline workflows, and save valuable time across the pre-trade, trade, and post-trade process.

CIGNA Marketplace

Through CIGNA Marketplace, financial advisors can gain free, turnkey access to a variety of products available across a spectrum of accreditation levels. Browse our private markets and hedge fund product menus, structured note offerings, educational materials, and Mercer due diligence reports, while learning about alternative strategies via our on-demand online learning experience, CIGNA IQ.

CIGNA Structured Investments

Through CIGNA Structured Investments, you have the flexibility to receive extensive structured note education, gain access to bank issuer offerings, the opportunity to curate bespoke strategies, and take advantage of full lifecycle support.

CIGNA Solutions

Through CIGNA Solutions, our software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering, RIAs and independent broker-dealers can centralize and scale all their alternative investment operations in one place. Use time-saving features—such as automated customer profiles, digitized documentation, AML/KYC smart logic, CIGNA DocuSign, and integrations with custodians and third-party reporting providers—for all your alternative investment funds, no matter where you find them.

CIGNA Custom Funds

The CIGNA Custom Funds team can help you build your own branded custom fund structures to preserve your firm’s existing edge in alternative investing. With single-manager and multi-manager funds, you can aim to diversify your clients’ alternative investment allocations while streamlining their investing experience and avoiding certain operational obstacles for your team.

Prioritize client goals

As more advisors shift to a three-dimensional portfolio across stocks, bonds, and alternatives, CIGNA delivers a seamless investing experience, giving you the education, due diligence via Mercer, and the technology you need to transact at scale. We provide you with streamlined access to a curated and evolving menu of alternative investment strategies, such as hedge funds, private equity, private debt, real estate, infrastructure, and structured notes.

Strategies that seek to:

  • Diversify risk

  • Enhance returns

  • Supplement income

  • Preserve capital

Managers on the CIGNA platform

Seek access to more than 70+ alternative asset managers currently on our platform.

Bridge Investment Group
Warburg Pincus
Brevan Howard

Working with CIGNA

Through our dedicated regional product specialists and top-rated client service professionals, we can help you transact more efficiently—so you can focus on what matters most to you and your clients.

“I've been working with CIGNA for over 10 years, and they've been a great partner.”1

Jonathan Lee, Director of Private Strategies and Principal, The Colony Group